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Jewelry Tutorials by Tammy Honaman

Tammy HonamanTammy Honaman has been a maker for as long as she can remember, with early jewelry designs including gum-wrapper necklaces and licorice-lace rings. She has been a professional jewelry designer and instructor for over 25 years with experience in nearly all mediums. The diversity of her experience has been largely driven by her editor's hat but also because she is passionate about learning and trying new things. At the end of every day, at the heart of all that fuels her drive is the desire to help others achieve their goals of being a maker. Tammy has served as a Swarovski Ambassador, Authorized Swarovski Instructor, is certified in PMC and Art Clay materials, authored and co-authored books and various publications, and has been a guest on several television programs. Tammy loves the summer months and time at the beach with her family and their dog. If you force her to choose, she will tell you her favorite materials to work with are whatever she's working with that day, which usually includes gemstone material, metal, heat, and some glitter mixed in now and again.