Yellow: Support Our Troops, Suicide Prevention, Genocide Awareness, Sarcoma and Bone Cancer Awareness
Green: Tissue and Organ Donation or Transplants, Mental Health, Mental Illness, Leukemia, Environment, Kidney Neural Tube Defects, Save The Earth, Go Green, Recycling, Mental Health Awareness (also represented with Blue)
Blue: Child Abuse Prevention, Arthritis, Sex Trafficking and Slavery, Prostate Cancer, Men's Health
Purple: Sarcoidosis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Religious Tolerance, Violence Against Women, Domestic Violence, Cystic Fibrosis, Alzheimer's Disease, Pancreatic Cancer, Epilepsy
Violet: Hodgkin's Lymphoma
White: Victims of Terrorism, Peace, Blindness, Holocaust Remembrance
Black: Mourning, Melanoma
Lime Green: Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Muscular Dystrophy, Mental Health
Teal: Gynecological Cancers, Sexual Assault, Cervical Cancer (often represented with both Teal and White)
Periwinkle: Eating Disorders, Pulmonary Hypertension, Esophageal Cancer, Stomach Cancer
Pink: Breast Cancer
Cream: Paralysis, Spinal Cord Injuries, Spinal Diseases or Disorders
Light Blue: Prostate Cancer, Men's Health
Lavender: All Cancers (General Cancer Awareness), Epilepsy
Pearl: Lung Cancer or Lung Disease, Multiple Sclerosis
Gray: Diabetes, Brain Cancer, Asthma
Silver: Brain Disorders
Gold: Childhood Cancer
Burgundy: Multiple Myeloma, Headaches and Migraines, Sickle Cell Disease, Adults with Disabilities