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Choosing Adhesives

What type of glue is best for your project? The answer isn't black and white. Sometimes, it's a matter of opinion. Read the uses for the glue in the product description to help make your decision and feel free to ask some of your beading friends for their favorites.
Here are some basic tips to get you started!

  • If you're looking for a good glue to use with leather, try Super New Glue or Loctite Super Glue Ultra Gel Control.
  • For applying crystals, two-part epoxy is a great option (for applying them to fabric, try Gem Tac or Jewel Bond).
  • GS Hypo Cement works well for gluing beads into place on stringing material and applying to knots for extra security.
  • Tacky tape, spray adhesive and craft adhesive are great for crafts.

Whether you are working on craft projects, embellishing with rhinestones or finishing knots in your beadwork, you will find the adhesive you need right here!